Growing Ageing Population - 60+ Years





Read NGOCOA-NY Chairman William T. Smith’s letter to the United States Ambassador at the UN,  urging her to support the work of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing OEWGA. 

The Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) ended its 14th session (20-24 May 2024) by adopting intergovernmental negotiated recommendations which acknowledged that there are gaps in the international framework of the human rights of older persons

Those recommendations were based on responses to a questionnaire sent by the Co-Facilitators (Brazil and Portugal) to Member States, National Human Rights Institutions and NGOs; and findings from numerous reports prepared by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and by the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons,  made available to the OEWGA over the past 13 sessions.

The recommendations acknowledged that eliminating ageism, and all forms of violence, discrimination and neglect against older persons, as well as eradicating poverty in all its dimensions, and promoting their dignity and well-being, is fundamental for the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The recommendations also listed a number of options on how best to address those gaps.  One of those options was “an international legally binding instrument to promote, protect and ensure the recognition and the realization, on an equal basis, of all human rights of older persons”.    Please note that this does not mean that Member States have agreed to have a legally binding instrument.

Those recommendations, including the options, will be presented to the General Assembly for considering next steps on the protection and promotion of the human rights of older persons.  

How will the General Assembly address next steps?  Member States in New York will be holding consultations in the coming weeks on how to move forward.   Watch this space for outcome of those consultations and what decision will be taken by the General Assembly about the way forward, including the status of the OEWGA. 

Website for information on the 14th session of the OEWGA:

For brief background notes on the history and work of the OEWGA:


Please sign, as individuals or organizations, the petition prepared by GAROP (Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People) urging the drafting of an international legal instrument (a convention) to protect the rights of older persons around the world.  The coming months will be crucial for advocacy efforts to lead up to the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing when it meets, from 20 to 24 May 2024 to discuss the possible gaps in the existing international human rights framework for the rights of older persons and options on how best to address them.  Don't let Member States at the United Nations turn their backs on older persons - we need to urge them to start drafting a convention.  Anything less is not acceptable.   Join over 1,400 signatories already!!!   Your support is very important as the petition will be forwarded to government officials at the national level and to government representatives at the United Nations. Access the petition here:

3. Amnesty International has launched a new campaign to raise awareness about and counter age discrimination.  The campaign is called AGE LOUD !  DEMAND A WORLD WHERE HUMAN RIGHTS LAST A LIFETIME.   Laura Mills, Amnesty International’s Researcher on Age and Disability called attention to the need for older persons to speak up for their rights and for governments to listen and act.  

Watch the video here:

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Supports a convention to protect the Rights Of Older Persons !!   See video here:

A full listing of current and past newsletters may be found here.



34th United Nations International Day of Older Persons
Ageing with Dignity:
The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide

Monday, 7 October 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York  

Read Concept Note here...

Recent Publications of Interest to us

Ageing of the Oppressed - A Pandemic of Intersecting Injustice

Editor: Silvia Perel-Levin

Read More here
Find purchase information here


Ageing of the Oppressed: A Pandemic of Intersectional Injustice explores what it is like to grow older with accumulating and intersecting discrimination. It condemns ageism and other "isms." Despite its visibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, ageism is not a new phenomenon but one that has been ignored for too long by policymakers and the general population. The negative language used to describe population ageing adds fuel to the fire by filling people’s minds with ageist images that permeate all levels and sectors of society. We should all be recognized as full human rights holders, no matter our age, ability, disability, gender or sexual orientation, race, or socio-economic or any other status. This book combines theoretical models and academic essays by top experts with the real-life experience of older persons and activists. It is a must-read for advocates for human rights; policymakers; service providers; students of social and health sciences, the humanities, and law; and anybody willing to challenge assumptions and practices. The proposed UN Convention on the human rights of older persons will be a step forward to providing older persons with a remedy for daily and often life-long oppression.

Intergenerational Solidarity and Equity for Future Generations of Older Persons Through a Human Rights Lens

Download document here...

Annual report of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly – the topic refers to implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (

Reports of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons on:

Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing at its 13th session (

Documents submitted to the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing at its 13th session, 3-6 April 2023:

Report of the OHCHR – Summary of the multi-stakeholder meeting on the human rights of older persons (

Report of the OHCHR – Normative standards and obligations under international law in relation to the promotion and protection of the human rights of older persons (

Report of the Secretary-General on Fourth review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2022, (

Reports of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons on:

Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, 12th session:  (

Joint letter from the three NGO Committees (New York, Geneva, Vienna) to UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and to UN Women, expressing concerns about lack of references to older women, here: Letter on gender snapshot

Reports on ageing issues prepared by various entities of the UN system can be found in the list of entities under “Resources/Key International Documents on Ageing

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Videos, reports and articles related to COVID-19 can be accessed here.

Useful websites (which also provide links to other useful information):


Learn more about the Committee’s mission here.  

NGO Committee on Ageing • PO Box 1854 • New York, NY • 10163-1854