2017 International Day of Older Persons Celebration

27th Anniversary Celebration of International Day of Older Persons at the United Nations

“Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents and Participation of Older Persons”

Watch the 2017 event here:  http://bit.ly/WebtvUNIDOP2017

Special video prepared by DESA/Focal Point on Ageing:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOyA8HHakaE

The 2017 United Nations International Day of Older Persons (UNIDOP) will explore how technology, entrepreneurship and civic engagement can facilitate the contributions of older persons throughout the world.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: "A Solution Waiting to Happen”
Marc Freedman (Founder & CEO, Encore.org)

Craig Mokhiber (Director of the New York City Office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Deputy to the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights)

Frank Leyhausen (General Manager, MedCom International, Bonn, Germany) Elizabeth Isele (Founder & CEO, The Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship)
Livingstone B. Byekwaso (Executive Director, SAWAKA, Tanzania)

SPECIAL REPORT: "World Population Ageing 2017”
Jorge Bravo ( Chief of Demographic Analysis, Population and Development, Population Division, UNDESA)

NOTE TIME CHANGE: 6:15 – 8:00 PM | AARP, New York Office, 31st Flr, 750 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10017
Online registration required (Register Here... / Registration for the afternoon free session closes on October 1; Registration for the fund-raising reception closes on October 3.)

Webcast and Archive webtv.un.org

Sponsored by the NGO Committee on Ageing/NY in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Focal Point on Ageing, the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations and others to be listed in the programme. 

NGO Committee on Ageing • PO Box 1854 • New York, NY • 10163-1854